Course 2

Domina la salsa


This Salsa online course not only teaches you the basic salsa steps but also techniques to help you follow the rhythm and have you dancing like a pro (it does not matter how well you know the steps if you can not dance in time to the music).

 Native Latin America will take you through this online salsa course

and with more than 10 years experience he will take you through the basic moves for both men and Henrry Herrera                   women step by step, You will be ready to take your hot salsa moves for both men and women step by step.

You will be ready to take your hot salsa hot salsa moves to the clubs in on time!

As Henrry says , The benefits to laerning salsa are endless:
  •        stayin shape and dance your way to a more toned body
  •        It is a great way to relieve stress
  •        Helps improve your self-esteem
  •        It is a great way to become more social and get to know people
  •        It is a great way to attract a sexy salsa partner  
Con: The online salsa course is in Spanish (the language of the salsa ) which gives it a more authentic touch. We were unsure if this point should be a positive or negative, as the whole point of learning salsa is to embrace yourself in the Latin world. It is a good way to start to familiarize yourself with the salsa music you will be hearing in the clubs, as most of that is in Spanish. All you really need to know is how to count in Spanish to follow along

Pros: The electric energy Which Henry Herrera Transmits as well as the joy and passion so natural to latin American's makes so easy , fun  to learn to dance salsa. 


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