3 May 2011

Salsa Step by Step

Salsa is made up of basic steps and it is critical that you learn them well enough that they become second nature.
Here is an easy way to tell if you know the basic dance steps: can you dance salsa and keep a conversation with your dance partner at the same time??

Don’t worry if you’re still concentrating on the steps, just keep practicing with your online salsa courses and eventually you’ll be able to have a conversation on the dance floor.

If you are already able to talk and dance (well done), then you are ready to move onto the intermediate courses. You’ll probably want a good three months to perfect your skills before moving on to the expert courses.

One way to practice and build up your skills is to hit the clubs. Remember salsa is not just about steps and patterns, its about passion and the dance within. It doesn’t matter if you only know a few moves, women will enjoy dancing with you as long as you do the moves well. So learn as much as you can with your online course at home, and then practice practice practice in the clubs. Good luck!

Remember to check out our online courses, whether your a beginner, expert or anywhere in between...you'll be able to find exactly what you need to be the best salsa dancer you can be right here.  ENJOY!


  1. good work. interesting article. keep it up

  2. Indeed, very interesting. And I love learning salsa.


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